Offshore Construction Pipework

CLIENT: Steelwind Nordenham, GmbH
Steelwind Nordenham are based in Germany and active in the Offshore Wind Industry. Steelwind use a specialized fabrication system based on the integral production of Monopiles and Transition Pieces, including all necessary onshore works and services, like coating and installation of secondary steel or electrical installations. Steelwind is a 100% subsidiary of Dillinger. Dillinger is the oldest stock corporation of Germany. It was founded in 1685 and is well known for high quality plates.


Firefly on a large diameter workpiece. The workpiece is an internal landing stiffener used in the construction of offshore wind turbine jackets. The diameter of the workpiece is 4.5 meters and the weld procedure stipulates 32 passes. Four firefly system set up with robotic wire feeder. The welding was completed in eight hours with all productivity and quality targets met.